Butoh as an avant garde modern dance originating in post- WW2 Japan invites us out to play all out.
It truly is an ineffable and ever evolving art, giving freedom to the sentience of the unborn, eternal spine of the sky of the mind. Uncreated mystical realms truly uncreate themselves in ghostly spaciousness beyond the spacious ghost of the ghost of the ghost.
"The Dance of Darkness (Ankoku Butoh) was developed from the end of the 50's primarily by Tatsumi Hijikata (1928 - 1986) in and against a reactionary Japan under American occupation. The traditional Japanese conservative culture and the new forced-upon Western one, born a chaotic vacuum in the sense of identity, out of which a total revolt against everything came."
Its potential to bring imaginations of all ages together in Nature, and into the great outdoors of the imagination itself. With painting our bodies white, which represents death in Japan, Butoh erases any trace of separation ((of race, sex, gender, age, personality, national origin, religion, sexual orientation)) & fact of any discrimination reinforced through stereotyping and/or by taboo.
It shatters the delusions of neuro-normality.
Butoh is not a performance art, there are no Butoh artists, there really is no Butoh at all. Some folx call it ritual theatre, to me, the cosmic dance (with no dancer) of life and death (and no death) is Butoh.
It is the continuum of consciousness itself, playing out in formless form. We open the channels of presence, and the illusion of now without rejecting anything. All is welcome. Butoh is a natural way of getting high and staying high. Intergalactic animistic force of unconditional Love.
It defies societal convention and unifies us by its subtle threads of lovely strangeness. This grotesquely gorgeous celebration of the mundane is intended for planetary health and healing.
On some level, this is a great coming out for us freaks weaving threads of possibility for a more authentic society. Darkness itself branches into being. Wee whoo(~Ha !) are utterly engaged, such that in the end, it doesn't matter at all, that it all endlessly matters.
Butoh is the ultimate art /act of the visionary activist ! ! !
Love frees
itself of patterns, habits, routines and anything predictable.
Love frees itself to love freely.
Butoh exists in the micro and macroscopic context of one's life and beyond. There are not limits. Anything is possible. A painter holds a paint brush, but a Butoh artist brushes away any intermediary props. In deep seeded presence, it allows for the act of infinite envisioning to dance itself into justice that just is dancing abundance into existence.
beyond the grip of the rational mind
1. For the equilibrium of our society....
2. Plugs into the divine, accessing the irrational, subconscious, provoking the inextricable living connection between all of us.
3. Butoh exemplifies the daily life in an unglamourous light with no disguise. The underworld and hind-face of reality become apparent. In other words, the inconvenient truths of existence and humanity are announced, but without guidance as to how the audience interprets them.
Everyone participates.